The Power of Pipeworx Family
Recently, on very short notice, we reached out to all the Pipeworx employees in an effort to assist young Jayde McNalley and her fellow classmates in a fund raising event to capture donations for the Stollery Childrens Hospital. 100% of proceeds raised thru this fundraiser go to the Stollery Hospital to aid in supporting this amazing medical facility.
It was described to us that the Donnan School has been hosting this fundraiser for 3 yrs now. The first year they raised $8k, the second year $12K was raised and the third year brought an amazing $17k. This year, the school raised the bar in hopes of raising $24k. Well, what they did not know was how powerful and generous the folks of Pipeworx are, because within 72 hours, Pipeworx employees along with some of Randy’s good friends and family members, were able to raise a staggering $23,000.00! Combine this with the rest of the schools donations ($17k), and collectively the Donnan school raised a whopping $40,000.00, far surpassing their goals and expectations for this event.
Explained in the letter that was distributed to all of the Pipeworx employees, Randy and Jayde, along with Jayde’s teacher, committed to shaving their heads if the goal was achieved, and today, witnessed by both Kelly & Tracy Gillam, that commitment became a reality.
It was described to be a very heartfelt and emotional event, and Randy, Kelly & Tracy all stated that it was one of the most wonderful feelings to present the cheque on behalf of Pipeworx for such a terrific and needed facility.
Most everyone knows what the Stollery Hospital stands for, but not everyone is familiar with exactly what it has to offer. Until you require their state of the art services like young Jayde did, you never really do know just how fantastic the facility and their highly trained staff are. The Stollery Hospital saves many young lives every day, and those precious lives that cannot be saved, are prolonged, and to spend even just one more day with your child, I know is worth ‘anything’ in the world as any parent would tell you.
The employees of Pipeworx have come together to raise monies on several occasions for individuals that are less fortunate, whether it be due to illness, accident, or other. Every time they have, the results have been out of this world amazing.
A special thanks to Jayde McNalley for sharing her story with us and letting us all be a part of something so very special. A special thanks to Randy McNalley for triggering this whole event. And a very warm and special thank you to all of the Pipeworx employees, close friends, and family members of the McNalley’s for joining in this fundraising event and making it such a huge success.